viernes, 26 de noviembre de 2010


In this essay I’m to going to talk about the Chilean Bicentenary, my perspective and opinion about this particular year. 2010 has been the year of Chilean bicentenary, all the people feeling more Chilean and more patriotic. This year has been a special year for our country for different reasons, first in February, 27th the earth moving dramatically, many people dies and the rest to be left homeless. Then, assume the work of manage the country, then of twenty years of government from Concertación’s government, Sebatian Piñera. And finally thirty-three miners with his dramatic situation has converted in a rock stars.
The Chilean people in general has been characterize for a mixture of culture. Since begin of times, when our people were discovered, the Spanish people influenced in our kind of to talk, to dress, to think… And gradually we had lost our ancestral identity and customs. Today Chile is a country full of influence and different mixtures of other countries.  The Bicentenary year, in my opinion is a revelation of a big lie; our own nationality is vague and undefined yet. When the people ask themselves who is to be Chilean? Or what are making Chileans, Chileans? What is the answer? In my case I’m not sure about this, I don’t see nothing particular or singular in our country. The particular is in our ancestral customs, it has been treat violently and the majority of our people unknown about this traditions. When we have reconciliation with our ancestral culture; we discover a new and authentic country.
This year has been hard, for all of us. In this year, majority of people waited a nice year, overcoat for our bicentenaries celebrations.  The earthquakes show us the power of nature and the thirty-three miners show us the bad conditions that our hard-worked are exposed. In the second case we have demonstrated our populism and our absence of equity. Remember the hunger strike of mapuche people, this is important and fundamental, as miners too, but our own racism and not to want to have anything to do about the mapuche’s legislation. The government don’t be care with respect all of people of our country, miners, mapuche and native people or all of us.
The bicentenary year show us our lack. The new government and President Piñera want to make of Chile a country of first world, development the work and always thinking from money, but for a new and better country we need make others things, first between ourselves and then with the others; first with our real culture and then maybe we can show to the rest our own culture and characteristic.

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