viernes, 26 de noviembre de 2010


In this essay I’m to going to talk about the Chilean Bicentenary, my perspective and opinion about this particular year. 2010 has been the year of Chilean bicentenary, all the people feeling more Chilean and more patriotic. This year has been a special year for our country for different reasons, first in February, 27th the earth moving dramatically, many people dies and the rest to be left homeless. Then, assume the work of manage the country, then of twenty years of government from Concertación’s government, Sebatian Piñera. And finally thirty-three miners with his dramatic situation has converted in a rock stars.
The Chilean people in general has been characterize for a mixture of culture. Since begin of times, when our people were discovered, the Spanish people influenced in our kind of to talk, to dress, to think… And gradually we had lost our ancestral identity and customs. Today Chile is a country full of influence and different mixtures of other countries.  The Bicentenary year, in my opinion is a revelation of a big lie; our own nationality is vague and undefined yet. When the people ask themselves who is to be Chilean? Or what are making Chileans, Chileans? What is the answer? In my case I’m not sure about this, I don’t see nothing particular or singular in our country. The particular is in our ancestral customs, it has been treat violently and the majority of our people unknown about this traditions. When we have reconciliation with our ancestral culture; we discover a new and authentic country.
This year has been hard, for all of us. In this year, majority of people waited a nice year, overcoat for our bicentenaries celebrations.  The earthquakes show us the power of nature and the thirty-three miners show us the bad conditions that our hard-worked are exposed. In the second case we have demonstrated our populism and our absence of equity. Remember the hunger strike of mapuche people, this is important and fundamental, as miners too, but our own racism and not to want to have anything to do about the mapuche’s legislation. The government don’t be care with respect all of people of our country, miners, mapuche and native people or all of us.
The bicentenary year show us our lack. The new government and President Piñera want to make of Chile a country of first world, development the work and always thinking from money, but for a new and better country we need make others things, first between ourselves and then with the others; first with our real culture and then maybe we can show to the rest our own culture and characteristic.

viernes, 19 de noviembre de 2010

Viviana's blog

Well, today I’m going to write about a particular blog, but I think that every blog had some special, because every person is special and we write on the blog our opinions and our tastes. But I must choose one blog, because is the work. In particular I like the Viviana’s blog, because I considerer happy and colorful. I don’t know very much to Viviana, but I had seemed when a radiant person and lovely and her blog is like her personality, I think. I like the color of the template of her blog, orange, very bright and I believe that Viviana likes cat, because her image of her profile is a white cat and I love cat too…  I like the order of blog and his brilliant color, on my blog the color are some dark and dull, because I like of this way, but always is interesting look for another tastes and comparer it. Maybe for his point I choose the Viviana’s blog, because are different types of blog and reflected different kind of act. Another point about her blogs is her responsibility, because she had written each task and this make me think about her like a responsible person.   
My favorite post by the Viviana’s blog is “Rock made it by the woman”.  First, because I like the music made for women, like Patty Smith, a singular punk woman from the 70th, I love the song “Horses” for this singer and she is very powerful. I like Björk too, I really I love her music, I consider a great composer, a fantastic and mystical singer. In this post Viviana wrote about The Runaways and I didn’t know about them, but for this post I know them and they are really interesting.   
About to improve her blog, I think it’s fine and I don’t have any criticism. Finally when I had seen the Viviana’s blog I think in Björk, maybe for my favorite post about Rock made it by the woman…   


viernes, 12 de noviembre de 2010

Today I’m going to talk about the greatest Chilean of all time, I’m not sure about who is the greatest Chilean, because it depend the range but in my personal opinion I think about a Chilean poet, because I like the poetry, Nicanor Parra… Chile is a country of poets, said many people, I think it’s true. Nicanor Parra was born September, 5 in 1915. He is considered the creator of Antipoesía. He has been teacher of physics and mathematics. I considered him amazing, because he write poetry but he know about another discipline. I think Nicanor Parra has been important and is important yet, because he has created important space for the Chilean literature, for the expression of the people and he has created a new literary language, more free and daily.  I like him, because he makes a different literature and he has influenced in a Hispanic literature, but also in American literature as Beat Generation from EE.UU (principally to Allen Ginsberg).
Nicanor Parra is very attractive I think, he take daily things and he put it in his poems mixture with irony, sarcasm and humor. These three things are the most important things (in my opinion) of work of Nicanor Parra; he is an incredible creative person. Also, one of things more attractive for him are his artefact, these are a different object of daily use and Parra take it and put in some idea or phrase, always is very creative and funny. In the documental called “Retrato de un antipoeta” by Víctor Jimenez, Parra said that his poems or writings don’t make it speedily, is a slowly work, and write one and then rewrite it...
I would like to ask about his projections, what he feels about his career and about the life in general, I think that his point of view could be interesting.
I let here my favourite poem, El hombre imaginario...
El hombre imaginario
vive en una mansión imaginaria
rodeada de árboles imaginarios
a la orilla de un río imaginario
De los muros que son imaginarios
penden antiguos cuadros imaginarios
irreparables grietas imaginarias
que representan hechos imaginarios
ocurridos en mundos imaginarios
en lugares y tiempos imaginarios
Todas las tardes tardes imaginarias
sube las escaleras imaginarias
y se asoma al balcón imaginario
a mirar el paisaje imaginario
que consiste en un valle imaginario
circundado de cerros imaginarios
Sombras imaginarias
vienen por el camino imaginario
entonando canciones imaginarias
a la muerte del sol imaginario
Y en las noches de luna imaginaria
sueña con la mujer imaginaria
que le brindó su amor imaginario
vuelve a sentir ese mismo dolor
ese mismo placer imaginario
y vuelve a palpitar
el corazón del hombre imaginario

viernes, 5 de noviembre de 2010

Head-On (2004)

Today I’m going to write about the most recently film that I had seen, and I love it! Really! This film is called Gegen die Wand (or Head-On), this is a German-Turkish film directed for Faith Akin a Turkish man. The movie opened in 2004 and it has been prize-winning in International Festival of cinema in Berlin in 2004 and it wins the first prize in European Prize of Cinema. The starring for Head-On were Birol  Ünel (representing Cahit Tomruk in the film)  and Sibel Kekilli (as SIbel Güner). The story is about to Cahit, an alcoholic and depressive man, his wife died and he stayed without sense of his life. He decided kill himself with his car and crashing with a wall. In rehabilitation center knows to Sibel, a Turkish girl who tried suicide to slash one's wrists. She talks with Cahit and she proposes to him married, is a crazy suggest, because they don’t know and is the first time that Cahit see to Sibel. But SIbel had her reason: She wants to live a free life, have sex with many men and live away from her parents and brother. Finally Cahit accepted and they married. 

Then, Cahit falling in love of Sibel and he return to feel love…. The story isn’t finish here, but you should see it, why? Because is comic, sarcastic, different, freak and unusual film. The director takes the traditions of Turkey and the live on Germany. The story had many changes and finally surprises you. The soundtrack is amazing for the post-punk lover (like me), you can listen Sister of Mercy and The Birth day party, and Depeche Mode too, also mixture the classical music of Turkey.

Well, Head-On is one of my favorite films and you should see it, really! You don’t to regret…


-What is the lastest movie you've seen?
-What is the movie?
-Why do you like it? and Why should view it?