jueves, 19 de agosto de 2010


Our country is a place where opportunities in general are limited.  Sometimes a lot of people has been to work in a different places where don’t like, they are this only for survived. I think that: in general Chile isn’t a place with opportunities, in many aspects as education, work or health. Some people have more opportunities in our country, they are a select sector of Chile and they have an important factor for them: the money.  Gender and opportunities in Chile is other aspect about that. When we talk to about the gender we make a distinction between men and women. I think make this distinction at the work or anything aspect is discrimination. Historically the woman has been “weak sex” and the man has been the supplier and the hard-working. Today the woman goes to work too and we make many other things. But the opportunities between man and woman are still unjust. For example in any work the man are more possibilities to stay in the place that a woman, overcoat the woman has find a fertile age. The male chauvinism still exists in our country and for this many women hasn’t opportunities for to develop.  Although people think about the feminist and feminist freedom for these days, the equality of opportunities is still a dream. Is true, we have advance in this topic, but we still don’t are really equitable.
In conclusion, the opportunities in our country is far to be egalitarian and not only for woman and men for homosexual people too.

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