viernes, 24 de septiembre de 2010


The native people are a delicate topic. Not only for the actual situation, this always has been delicate I think. The native people has been to consign to oblivion and discriminated for our own people. The people deny all the time our native’s blood and traditions and the government never have been responsible about the native people. The law and the legislation are not beneficial for them and for this mapuche’s people have taken extreme ways like a hunger strike, because is the only way for their rights and for their demands has been listening. The injustice over mapuche’s people and native people in general in our country it’s started since the conquest and this mentality has been the same for two hundred. Today antiterrorist law only attack the Mapuche and they only reclaim their ancestral lands and for political prisoners. Chile has created an imaginary nation when all the people want to be other person, always the government and the country wait to be as other country more development and “civilized” and they don’t want see our origins and our traditions.

I think these people represent the feeling of all the natives people of our country, because all of them stay in the same situation and the effort for give some solution for them is still invalid. The government is so slow about the law and rights of natives people. Mr. Piñera has been negligent and the people can’t wait, because they stay in an extreme situation (hunger strike) and he should be more promise with this people.
The demands of the natives people are fair, they deserve much of the country and the government has forgotten this. The antiterrorist law is unnecessary, because if the government legislates favorably, they don’t fight violently more and we can to live together and appreciating our culture.


sábado, 4 de septiembre de 2010


Hello Classmate!
Today I’m going to talk about our country, Chile. This topic is a bit repetitive, but a propose rethinking about our traditions and customs. I ask myself all the time: how much I know about my country? In general, from we were child, teachers tell us about the Spain conquistador. People tell us about our history since the conquest, but all forget that: Chile was born after the conquest. The indigenous people were the early Chilean people and the original conquests. I think that Chile born with this people and many people don’t recognize it.
Today it’s coming the Bicentenary month and we are exciting for our two hundreds, but only we are thinking about the progress and our development as country. We want to be a country of first world, but we forget the poverty, our worker and our indigenous people… we forget many things important for increase our country and our culture.  
I think that the injustice and difference of social classes are topic important for the development of our country.  Worked class work hard, earn a misery weld, then other people with more opportunities earn more money, they have a good health, the have more power and influence over other people. When the government can to improve the live quality of all the Chileans, this it will a first and fundamental step for a country that want to be of first world.
Maybe Chile never arrives to be something like this… because this change is a responsibility of all.  All the Chileans should be fight and change our mentality about a lot of things.

Well, I wait for your opinions…. =)